curiosi Tues vedere un Po di foto nuove? ... Allora eccovi le immagini della nostra bellissima dell'ultimo shooting realizzato Petra all prese con un'interpretazione fa-vo-lo-sa di "change your style"! Un repertorio ultrafornito Tues abbigliamento e accessori per tutte le Occasioni, un Taglio Di Capelli semper diverso per un estremo look, e tanti Scatti sotto i riflettori per passare dal Lady GaGa-Disco Style all'Underground! Risultato? Giudicate voi!
new shoot with Petra
After a successful outdoor shooting in the summer we have last week agreed spontaneously to a new photo session. The motto of this indoor shoot was "Change Your Style" to let slip with the idea of \u200b\u200bPetra in several very different roles. With a suitcase full of clothes and many existing property is not a problem and so was out of our blonde model quickly once a crazy party girl or a dark-haired beauty. A thank you to Peter for the great cooperation, Touch of Class
Here is a small selection of the resulting photos:
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