Monday, February 7, 2011

Lpso Promotional Offers

some thoughts in no particular order ............

often happens to me, ultimately, to access my boobalooba e. ... not knowing what the hell to post! Little spare time, plays a little confused and changing mood conceal me inspiration. Sometimes I try, I struggle, I find an idea, I browse between vinyl and CDs, I convince myself I'm ready, I read some e mail on time ..... I am the anonymous who asked me to turn the password to open the rar to some of my post ! A blog is like boobalooba total passion, unconditional love for old, rotten, unknown rocker losers, chills and emotions that drag behind me for a lifetime. A request for a password (which by the way are well-written full-screen magnification, the file folder) makes me drop the balls. Why is empty! Almost an insult, a password prompt and then ........ nothing not even a miserable thought, thanks, two lines, a fuck ........
A live blog of thoughts and comments, or at least I think so. Thanx!


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